Script to Clone Certificates (dollyx509)

Introduction X.509 certificates are used to secure communications online by encrypting data and verifying identities, such as in HTTPS or VPNs. During penetration tests, it’s important to check if systems correctly handle cloned certificates. Cloned certificates are fake copies that look like real ones but aren’t properly signed by a trusted CA. I wrote a simple python script called dollyx509 that creates clones of X.509 certificates. Script and Usage The script can be found on GitHub: dollyx509. ...

17.09.2023 · 4 min · Emanuel Duss

Simple Certificate Creation Script

Introduction In pentests, you often need to create X.509 certificates (e.g. for TLS) or Certificate Authorities (CAs) to mimic secure environments during your tests. Manually generating these certificates with tools like openssl can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially when you’re in a hurry. Who remembers all these commands? Whether you’re setting up a fake webserver for data exchange, a proxy setup, a machine-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, testing secure connections, or creating your own CA chain, manually generate these certificates should not take much time. ...

02.05.2019 · 5 min · Emanuel Duss